Diego Rivera Gelsinger

Skill set

I have nearly a decade of “wet lab” skills and half a decade of bioinformatic skills. Here are a variety that I have developed along the way:

“Wet Lab” Techniques

⁙ (RT-)qPCR
⁙ Cloning (Traditional/Gibson)
⁙ Overexpression of Genes/ncRNAs
⁙ DNA/RNA extraction
⁙ Protein extraction
⁙ Western Blotting
⁙ Northern Blotting
⁙ CRISPR Interference
⁙ Illumina Sequencing
⁙ Nanopore Sequencing
⁙ NGS Library Construction and Optimization

    • [Meta]genomics
    • [Meta]transcriptomics
    • Ribosome profiling

⁙ Colormetric assays
⁙ Light and Confocal Microscopy
⁙ Immunostaining
⁙ Gradients (Sucrose)
⁙ Lipid Extractions (Bligh & Dyer)
⁙ Metabolic radio-labeling
⁙ Mass spectrometry
⁙ Microbial cell culture

Programing Languages

⁘ Bash/Unix
⁘ Python
⁘ R
⁘ html
⁘ markup


⁖ English (native)
⁖ Spanish (native)
⁖ French (intermediate)

This project is maintained by dgelsin